Earn With Your Favorite Creators


Buy Royalty tokens from your favorite creators!

Buy and sell Royalty tokens on our open marketplace, or send them to friends and family.

Hold your tokens and receive regular royalty payments from your creator’s ad revenue.

Royalty tokens are unique and custom-minted for each creator.

Your Tokens Are Tied To Real Dollar Value

Each Royalty Token represents a share of creator's ad revenue paid monthly to its holders.

Data Reporting

View complete data analytics of creators you supported, on our all-in-one dashboard.

Verified Channels

Top profitable creators, verified by the experts at the AIR Network.

Favorite Creators

Curate and share your personal list of favorite creators.

Passive Income

Earn through Royalty’s transparent, user-friendly platform.

Guaranteed by media notaries like AIR Media-Tech, ScaleLab, and other media companies that are YouTube certified

Our Security Guarantee

Our Security Guarantee

Our Security Guarantee

We are AIR Media-Tech

AIR verification

AIR Media-Tech has over 12 years experience in the market and uses the most advanced analytics tools to vet and track creators and their income streams. Channel performance is monitored daily.

Polygon network

Tokens run on the Polygon network (an Ethereum Layer-2) to minimize fees and allow for fast transactions.


All creator tokens are ERC-20, meaning they are part of the Ethereum network, the gold standard of blockchain security and reliability.

Earning Flow of Creator Tokens

Earning Flow of Creator Tokens

We are AIR Media-Tech


YouTube sends creator ad revenue payments to Royalty


Royalty tokenizes future ad revenue


Fans purchase tokens, receiving monthly payments for holding
Ways to Earn

Sell Tokens

Content creators with a consistent ad revenue can raise upfront funding through the sale of custom-designed Royalty tokens. You choose the period and percentage of ad revenue to share with your fans in exchange for their funding. Creators and fans win!

Hold Tokens

Hold your tokens to accrue reward income. Earn a percentage of your creator’s ad revenue. Receive monthly payments, directly to your balance - a passive income stream.

Trade Tokens

Buy and sell Royalty tokens on the marketplace. You have complete control over your digital assets. Trade for profit, or reinvest your funds into more Royalty tokens.

Find your favorite creators on the Royalty platform!

Royalty only partners with the best creators - those with a proven track record of consistent revenue and a commitment to developing their channel and brand for the long run. You will be investing in the leaders in the space.

Generate Passive Income

Generate Passive Income

We are AIR Media-Tech

Hold your Royalty tokens and tap into your creator’s future ad revenue as your passive income source.
Receive automatic payments, sent directly to your Royalty account each month while you hold Royalty Tokens
Withdraw your funds at any time and easily redeem them for USDT on the Royalty platform.

Earn With Royalty Tokens


Royalty tokens give you the rights to a percentage of future earnings from your content creator’s channel.


Tokens are created on the decentralized Polygon blockchain, guaranteeing their authenticity and security. The tokens are yours to hold or sell - any time!


Visit a creator token page to see its current price (“market price”), APR (Annual Percentage Rate), rewards paid out, and reward end date.


Once you’ve purchased tokens, you will begin accruing rewards, paid out on a monthly basis and sent directly to your account. Continue receiving rewards for the period as long as you hold your tokens.


Easily take your royalties any time to your wallet or account.

Support your favorite YouTube channels, earn consistent rewards, and shape the Web3 social media landscape!